Participants in the Enduro discipline will need to be fully self -sufficient in terms of accommodation and logistics, as the event organisers are unable to provide logistical support outside of the times when the bulk of participants pass through the designated camp sites, such as Mahenye, Musikavanhu School and Whitewaters Bushcamp.
At the Mahenye Start Point, the most convenient overnight accommodation is found at the nearby Chilo Lodge which offers a self catering option as well as luxury lodges. See Overnight Stops page for details.
NB - ALL BLUE CROSS ROADS REQUIRE A HIGH CLEARANCE 4X4 VEHICLE, and on-the go navigational equipment in the form of a hand-held GPS and/or mobile devices loaded with the GAIA App and the respective route for the discipline.
While the route has been broken down into sectors, Enduro participants are free to follow their own schedule.
Please note, however, that participation in this event implies that entrants will follow the designated route, take all necessary measures to protect the environment and respect the rights and privacy of the communities along the way.
Sector 1: 167k from Mahenye Start Point (168m ASL) to Fiddlers-on-the-Green (FOTG)(970m ASL)
Load 'EB23 SPt to FOTG 167k'.
Exercise caution through Jamanda Concession (+/- 10k) due to possible elephant and buffalo encounters.
Bk Up vehicles to take 5.4k and 4.7k cyan detours at 41.6k and 76.5k from start. Enduros follow red trail.
Road conditions poor to very poor with numerous washaways and steep, stony sections. Some low range work required by Bk Up vehicles.
Sign in to Makandi gate observing Covid protocols and carefully follow red snail trail through the orchards.
Camping and meals available at Fiddlers - participants to book direct with FOTG - see overnight stops page.
Budget guide for camping and meals US$20pppn.
Sector 2: 87.1k from FOTG (970m ASL) to Chimanimani (1517m ASL)
Load 'EB23 FOTG to Chims 87.1k'
Arrange through FOTG management for gates to be unlocked on section through "Govt Farm".
Vehicles load 'Chipinge Bk Up Route 10.6k' and follow cyan track through Chipinge.
Road conditions very poor for first 33k to Rusitu Road. Thereafter reasonable gravel and tar to Chimanimani.
Overnight accommodation in Chimanimani by own arrangement.
Sector 3: 159k from Chimanimani (1517m ASL) to Zimunya Township (1116m ASL)
Load 'EB23 Chim to Zimunya 159k'.
Road conditions rough, steep and stony along Cashel Scenic road, giving way to tar at Cashel and then reasonable, sandy dirt from Mutambara Mission to Zimunya.
At Zimunya load bikes and Bk Up Vehicles load 'EB22 Tfr 22.8k for transfer to Hillside Golf Club (HGC).
Overnight camping and reasonable meal available at HGC - 0wn arrangements (see overnight stops page).
Sector 4: 114k from Koodoosberg T/Off (1170m ASL) to Nyangani Car Park (2144m ASL)
Bk Up vehicles load 'EB23 Tfr 19.9k' and drive to Koodoosberg Turn Off. Offload bikes.
Load 'EB23 Kdsbg to Car Pk 114k' and ride to Nyangani Car Park.
Get ready for a hero's welcome & some great hospitality from the BX Team.
Bk Up vehicles bring camp chairs and cooler boxes and join in the fun.
Overnight accommodation by own arrangements.
Summit Day: 2.9k from Nyangani Car Pk (2144m ASL) to Mt Nyangani Summit (2575m ASL)
Drive to Nyangani Car Park to arrive no later than 0800 hrs. Allow 75 mins from Nat Parks office.
Load 'All Summit Day 2.9k '. Use navaids in case of white-out.
Assess personal climbing strength & opt for slow, medium or fast climbing group.
Sign large red book for full-distance participants at the summit. Brown book for back up and supporters.
Limit Summit dwell time to quick photo shoot only & then descend.
Head straight for Rhodes Hall for Spirit of the Blue Cross Celebratory Lunch and Awards Ceremony commencing at 1300 hours.
Half Portuguese Chicken and Chips to be served. Cash bar available but bring cooler boxes for any special tipple.
Further info closer the time.
ENDURO ROUTE - Elevation Profile